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Helpdesk IT - eng

Helpdesk IT

We offer the support of our consultants as part of the helpdesk service. Our specialists share their knowledge and help to solve any problems.


Helpdesk is a service that enables efficient removal of failures and IT problems. The use of modern tools and communication channels allows for quick reporting of problems and immediate diagnosis. Such action prevents disorganization of the company's work.

To make troubleshooting even easier, we have prepared an application that facilitates reporting them.

Has a failure occurred in your company?

We will help you fix it!


+48 660 281 701


+48 784 591 066



Our advantages


Rapid response in the event of a failure is extremely important as it helps to prevent disorganization of work in the company. Being aware of this, we make every effort to solve our clients' problems as soon as possible.


Our consultants and service technicians show extensive knowledge and experience, which they use in their daily work. You can be sure that the service will be performed fully professionally.


Our support does not end with solving the present problem. We suggest what to do to prevent similar errors from appearing in the future.
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